We are CPLUG, the Cal Poly Linux Users Group. We’re both users and fans on the GNU/Linux Operating System, and we want you to be too. We have regular talks and meetings, as well as social events when the opportunity arises. Membership is easy and free. All you have to do is subscribe to either one of our mailing lists, attend a meeting, our say Hi in the IRC channel. after that, you are an official CPLUG member.
The best ways to stay up to date on events and meetings is to join the Mailing List or come hang out on our IRC Channel (we are #cplug on irc.freenode.net). Feel free to ask questions, start some chatter, enjoy the chaos, or whatever else floats your boat.
Be sure to check out our Alumni Page for our esteemed alumni, many of who work at major companies like Apple & Google.
Thanks for stopping by. We hope to see you out in the Real World at one of our meetings.