
Postfix in a Functional Language

One of my issues with Scheme was that I found myself having to think ahead and write backwards. For instance, given these (fairly simple) English instructions:

Multiply 5 times 5, and 3 times 2, then add them together, and subtract from 5.

you’re likely to end up with code something like this:

(- 5
  (+ (* 3 2)
     (* 5 5)))

Backwards, backwards, backwards!

In postfix, however, you get this:

(((5 5 *)
  (3 2 *)
  5 -)

or, if you assume only two arguments for each operator,

5 5 *
3 2 *
5 -

which reads more like standard procedural code:

a = 5 * 5
b = 3 * 2
c = a + b
return 5 - c

(or so). Easier for me to grok.

It seems that there are very few programming languages that use postfix other than those used primarily for calulators, which is a shame.