Ruby for a long-term project? Eh...
The other night, my housemate and I were discussing language choices for a project, and he mentioned Ruby. I surprised him by stating,
I wouldn’t let you start a team project in Ruby.
People who have talked with me might find this a bit strange. I love Ruby, use it in quite a few of my projects, and will tell anyone who listens about how Ruby takes the best parts of several different languages and combines them into something that’s just fun.
But while it’s an amazing language to write one-off scripts that I don’t expect anyone other than me to hack on, there are some serious flaws that prevent me from recommending it for anything meant to live for a while.
Matz doesn’t understand version numbers
Seriously. People shouldn’t be stuck on 1.8 because trying to run things on 1.9 breaks them. Upgrading from 1.9.0 to 1.9.2 shouldn’t break the primary build tool. Redmine shouldn’t require very specific versions of Ruby and Rails to work. We have this thing called Semantic Versioning, y’know.
The gem ecosystem is becoming CPAN
Five different modules that all do what you want, but in an incredibly buggy and not quite correct way? And they haven’t been updated in 5 years? Yeah…
Ruby == Rails ?
It’s damned difficult to find a good Ruby RSS feed that doesn’t spend (at least) half its time talking about Rails. I use Ruby. I don’t use Rails. This seems incomprehensible to some people.
Rails is a buzzword
Rails has done great things. I may disagree with it philosophically on some things, but no one can deny that it has brought a new focus on programmer-friendly frameworks for the web.
However, it became very hyped and buzzwordy, which normally is followed by a rush of not-particularly-skilled programmers wanting to Do Cool Stuff Now. You then end up with a particularly bottom-heavy triangle of people in the community, usually with a proportionate amount and quality of code. That’s what prompted Zed’s famous rant.
Explicitness is not the name of the game
Okay, this is more of a reason to use Python than a reason not to use Ruby. But
in a Python project, if someone uses a function or class, I can take a look at
where it was imported from (unless they did a from foo import *
, which is
almost always a Bad Thing), then just follow the path directly to a file, since
module names are based directly on directory and file names. Ruby provides more
flexibility in that you can define any module in any file, and even reopen
modules to monkeypatch things in. While this additional flexibility could be
useful in certain circumstances, it generally means I have to spend more time
searching around for the defining code. It also means you can’t do cool stuff
like iPython’s foo??
, which shows the code for foo
. Between that and
docstrings, you’re set to explore unknown code while in the REPL.
Similar deal with lack of keyword arguments.
Now, could these things be fixed? Theoretically yes, but I think that you have to have the right mindset to start off with to avoid a huge uphill battle. And really, if Matz hasn’t made a commitment to version stability by now, then it’s indicative of a lack of care in that department, which doesn’t bode well for the future.
Ruby is my 10-year old son - he’s a blast to play cops and robbers with and take caving, but I’m sure as hell not putting him in charge of the household finances.