
Why Python's Modules Are Badass

I like learning new languages. While I may not agree with all of the designers’ decisions, every non-esoteric language provides things to learn from.

One of my favorite things about Python is its approach to modules and namespaces.

Creating a module is easy

In the simplist cases, nothing special is needed. Want to use a class Foo defined in awesome.py? Just from awesome import Foo and you can utilize Foo in your code.

Adding directories doesn’t complicate your life much; create an empty file named __init__.py in a directory and you’ve got a module. For instance, given this directory structure


and building upon the previous definitions, my_program.py can use the statement from lib.awesome import Foo to make our Foo class available.

Explicitness leads to maintainability

Here’s a common situation in older PHP code:


if (logged_in()) { // Where is logged_in() defined?

Code navigation features or search tools can alleviate the irritation this causes, but it’s a solved problem! In Python, you’re likely to see something like

from user import User
from authenticate import logged_in, login
from util import time_since_login

if logged_in(): // logged_in is defined in authenticate.py

‘As’ promotes flexibility

Python allows you to import modules under different names. Say you’re developing some application that uses the cpickle module.

import cpickle

data = cpickle.load('file.pickle')

In an effort to make your application more “enterprisey”, your boss orders it moved over to the JVM, using Jython. But alas! cpython is a module written in C, and therefore not available on Jython. Do not fear - one line changed switches your program over to the pure-Python pickle module:

import pickle as cpickle

data = cpickle.load('file.pickle')

Notes and technicalities

If you want to clobber your namespace with everything defined in a module, you can use the from foo import * syntax. This is commonly done when working with GUI toolkits, but you’re liable to get lynched if you use this syntax more than once in a file.

Any code in __init__.py is run when a module is imported. I’ve seen this used to provide a succinct API for users while retaining code separation for the developers, like so:

# __init__.py
from foo import Foo
from bar import Bar

The way a language like Lua would change the name of an imported “module” is to change the assignment operation:

pickle = require('cpickle')

You can do something similar in Python, too, but it’s more direct to just use as.

Also, Python being Python, you can modify the globals() and locals() dictionaries if you really want to (and occasionally there’s reason to). So, things can easily be introduced into your namespace through other methods, although they usually aren’t.